Match Timeline
Below is a sample schedule of dates for the AOA and NRMP Match. Specific dates might vary slightly by year. You can view specific dates for ERAS-participating residencies on the ERAS Residency Timeline.
AOA Match Timeline
Beginning in June, students can register for the AOA Intern/Resident Registration Program (the "Match") online.
July 5
D.O. applicants start applying to AOA-accredited residency programs only.
July 15
AOA-accredited residency programs start receiving applications.
Note: All Osteopathic residency applicants who applied between July 5 and July 14 will display with a July 15 applied date in the PDWS.
July - January
Students must apply to programs independently of the Match. Programs receive applications and interview students independently of the Match. Application deadlines for programs vary; therefore, students should check with programs regarding their deadline dates.
July - September
Each institution that offers AOA-accredited OGME-1 internship or residency positions, or OGME-2 Dermatology or Preventive Medicine-Public Health positions, that begin training must provide to National Matching Services Inc. information on its program(s) for the Match.
November 1
Recommended date by which students should register for the Match.
By this date, a list of programs participating in the Match will be available.
November 20
By this date, instructions for submitting Rank Order Lists and obtaining Match results will be available to students and programs registered to participate in the Match.
January 8
Match participants may begin to submit Rank Order Lists for the Match on this date.
January 18
Rank Order List Deadline: Final date for submission of student and program Rank Order Lists. No Rank Order Lists or registrations for the Match can be accepted after this date.
February 4
Results of the Match are released to all participants in the Match (students and institutions), as well as to the colleges of osteopathic medicine and OPTIs.
Institutions must complete an institutional contract for each matched student, and send it within 10 working days after receipt of the Match results to the student for signature. Each matched student must sign and return the contract to the institution within 30 days after receiving the contract from the institution.
NRMP Match Timeline
September 15
Register with the NRMP for the Main Residency Match (Clinical Education Department will notify you to do this)
Applicants may start applying to specific programs and programs may contact individual applicants via ERAS
October 1
MSPE uploaded to ERAS
November 30
NRMP registration deadline. $50 late fee after this date.
Military Match
Early January
Urology Match: deadline for submission of rank list, results late January
Ophthalmology Match (SF Match) deadline for submitting rank list, results mid January
January 15
Applicants and programs may start entering their rank order lists at 12:00 p.m. ET
February 20
Final NRMP match lists due for applicants and programs before 9:00 p.m. ET
October – January
Residency interviews
March 11
SOAP (Supplemental Offer and Accept Program) Begins
March 14
SOAP concludes at 5:00 p.m. ET
March 15
Match Day! Results released at 1:00 p.m. ET
April – May
Sign the contract with your residency program
June 1
Medical School Diploma Date
Residency begins