Student Life
Let’s face it, medical school can be draining, but we’re here for each other. Whether we’re taking in the best of the neighborhood or finding fulfilling ways to apply our skills beyond the classroom, there’s always something to do, see, and learn at TouroCOM. And someone to do it with.
Home to a thriving restaurant and music scene, Harlem is one of Manhattan’s most vibrant neighborhoods. Our campus is located directly across from the famous Apollo Theatre, and many of our students find housing and great dining options right in the area. And Middletown is the gem of the Hudson Valley and home to the historic Paramount theater. Our campus is located just outside of town, and our students have the option of living on campus, with meals delivered to you. Great Falls shows off the artistic charm of Montana and is an outdoor adventurer's dream with hiking, biking, fishing, birding, kayaking, and more.
Student organizations and activities on campus will keep you busy as well. Consider joining the Student Government Association to be a voice for your peers. Or participate in individual activities, such as health fairs.
We’re a small school where students have big opportunities.
Student Government Association
Class Representatives - Harlem
President: Kevin Yeung
Vice President: Sahar Akhlaq
Treasurer: Michael Suarez-Vilamil
Secretary: Nya Evans
Parliamentarian: Adeel Anwar
Public Relations Director: Katelyn Wang
Wellness Liaison:
Campus Engagement Chair:
President: Sheana Budhoo
Vice President: Erica Camacho
Treasurer: George L. Oliva
Secretary: Sana Altaf
Parliamentarian: Anjani Solanky
Public Relations Director: Saranda Kadriovski
Wellness Liaison:
Campus Engagement Chair: Abraham Libman
Refer to the TouroCOM Student Handbook to learn more about starting an organization that matches your own interests. Contact the Office of Student Affairs with any questions.
Harlem Campus
Nadege Dady, Ed.D.
Dean of Student Affairs
(646) 981-4517
Class Representatives - Middletown
President: Gia Nguyen - gnguyen8@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Andrew Galfano - agalfano@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Mohamed Ali - mali22@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Taylor Bronson - tbronson@student.touro.edu
Parliamentarian: Hesan Waly - hwaly@student.touro.edu
Public Relations Director: Hunter Parker - hparker@student.touro.edu
Refer to the TouroCOM Student Handbook to learn more about starting an organization that matches your own interests. Contact the Office of Student Affairs with any questions.
Middletown Campus
Francis Rose, Jr.
Associate Dean of Students
O: (845) 648-1112
Class Representatives - Montana
President: Leah Claus
Vice President: Helan Paulose
Treasurer: Sukhmani Kaur
Secretary: Seher Shariff
Parliamentarian: Natalie Alvarez
Public Relations Director: Christina Chung
Website: www.touromontanasga.org
Refer to the TouroCOM Student Handbook to learn more about starting an organization that matches your own interests. Contact the Office of Student Affairs with any questions.
Montana Campus
Haley Denzer
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
(406) 401-8102
Student Organizations
We're home to over 20 student groups dedicated to leadership development, professional networking, and health advocacy.
3-D Printing Club - Middletown
Mission Statement: 3-D Printing Club exists to educate fellow students and improve healthcare by utilizing 3-D printing.
For more information about this organization please visit www.sgamiddletown.org/student-orgs/3-d-printing-club
Addiction Medicine Collaborative (AMC) - Harlem
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Mikhail Volokitin Mikhail.Volokitin@touro.edu
President: Hannah Meyerson
Vice President: Teddy Liando
Treasurer: Areej Niaz
Secretary: Abraham Deitsch
American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP) - Middletown
Mission Statement: Our mission is to elevate our students interested in emergency medicine to be competitive and successful in achieving their future career goals. We aim to do this by providing clinical and professional education opportunities for our members. We also aim to increase our member’s skills and education by providing service opportunities within our local community.
We are a nationally recognized Resident and Student Organization through The American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP) www.acoep-rso.org/
For more information about this organization please visit www.sgamiddletown.org/student-orgs/acoep
American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI) - Middletown
Mission Statement: To advance the standards of internal medicine and its respective subspecialties in the field of osteopathy by encouraging and improving the educational opportunities for the training of internists. Furthermore, to establish and promote a general understanding of the scope of services rendered by an internist and the subspecialists of internal medicine.
For more information about this organization, please visit www.sgamiddletown.org/student-orgs/acoi
American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP) - Harlem
Mission: To foster and stimulate interest among osteopathic medical students in the practice of Pediatrics; to cooperate with other organizations having similar purposes either at other osteopathic schools or at other locations; to maintain the dignity of the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians and the Osteopathic Medical Profession.
Why Join? Joining ACOP will provide students with a wonderful opportunity to interact with and educate children in the Harlem area about osteopathic medicine and to spark their interest in the medical field. ACOP will also provide students the opportunity to meet upperclassmen and physicians working in pediatrics to further explore the field of pediatrics through our series of guest speakers.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sushama Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Kate Lang
Vice President: Mike Pierides
Treasurer: Ezra Bekar
Secretary: Anjali Talasila
National Liaison: David Kwak
American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS) - Montana
The mission of ACOS at TouroCOM Montana is to bring together like-minded students interested in exploring the surgical specialty in the osteopathic medical field.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Zeszutek stephanie.zeszutek@touro.edu
President: Dana Elazar delazar2@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Lilia Crew
Treasurer: Nicholas Heeres
Secretary: Rehan Subramanyam
Public Relations: Morgan Zittel
National Liason: Colby Spongberg
American Medical Association (AMA) Medical Student Section - Harlem & Middletown
As the medical profession's authority in professional standards, ethics, and health care policy, the strength of the AMA comes from its hundreds of thousands of physician and medical student members. Participation is critical to the collective voice of our membership.
Why Join? As an advocate for medical students, the AMA advocates on behalf of medical students on such issues as student debt, health care access, clinical skills assessment exam, resident work conditions, and funding Graduate Medical Education. However, the AMA also plays a bigger role in the grand scheme of things - it is the only organization that will remain our advocate throughout our career.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sushama Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Myra Moghal
Vice President: Paarth Patel
Treasurer: Arshia Hamzehpour
Secretary: Arnav Bhutada
National Liaison: Anvitha Kambham
For more information about the Middletown Campus organization, please visit:
American Medical Student Association (AMSA) - Harlem
Enrich and inspire the lives of students through student activities and supplemental medical education. Coordinate with administration and local medical schools to provide students with residency fairs, guest speakers, and legislative information to supplement their medical education. Inspire students by providing access to national physician networks and give students opportunities to attend leadership, healthcare policy, and educational conferences and institutes. Promote health and wellness through community outreach programs. Inform students and faculty of changes to legislation and healthcare policies that will affect them.
Signing up for AMSA national is Free. Some discounts are available through AMSA membership benefits.
Executive Board Faculty Advisor: Dr. Arthur Prancan arthur.prancan@touro.edu
President: Amber Jin
Vice President: Reyam Hussein
Treasurer: Paarth Patel
Secretary: Shivali Patel
National Liaison: Violet Munarova
American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) - Harlem & Middletown
Mission: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine aims to fulfill the goals of AMWA through a program called Be One Teach One (BOTO). The goal of BOTO is to create a safe, nurturing, and challenging atmosphere where high school girls in Harlem and surrounding communities can explore their lifestyle practices, build supportive relationships with mentors and each other, and develop their interests in medicine and science.
Why Join? AMWA is the only multispecialty organization dedicated to advancing women in medicine and improving women's health. AMWA empowers women to lead in improving health for all within a model that reflects the unique perspective of women. AMWA is an organization, which functions at the local, national, and international levels to advance women in medicine and improve women's health. We achieve this by providing and developing leadership, advocacy, education, expertise, mentoring, and strategic alliances.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Liaison: Dr. Stacey Fanning stacey.fanning@touro.edu
President: Aiden Brossfield
Vice President: Alexandra Beran
Treasurer: Stefanie Lioudis
Secretary: Nikhila Hari
National Liaison: Anvitha Kambham
American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine (AOASM) - Middletown
Mission Statement: The AOASM aims to represent and educate further osteopathic sports medicine physicians by promoting the education, health, well-being, and safety of athletes and physically active people.
The American Osteopathic Association for Sports Medicine (AOASM) Student Organization at TouroCOM-NY aims to provide information to the student body about a career as a sports medicine physician. Through our professional and community-based events, we hope to not only disseminate information about the route to becoming a sports medicine physician, but also to promote a healthy and active lifestyle within our school and our community.
For more information about this organization please visit www.sgamiddletown.org/student-orgs/aoasm
American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine (AOASM) - Montana
AOASM is an educational forum for physicians and healthcare professionals to address the quality of healthcare for individuals in competitive, recreational, occupational, and industrial settings. AOASM will develop leaders to establish, and promote fitness and exercise guidelines, and to guide healthcare policy relating to wellness, physical activities and sporting events. AOASM will promote a collegial environment in which physicians and other healthcare professionals can expand their content knowledge and enhance their clinical skills in sports medicine.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jay Danto jdanto@touro.edu
President: Vanshika Arora varora3@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Alise Adornato
Treasurer: Rilee Schmidt
Secretary: Athena Claudio
Public Relations: Devin Fitz
American Physician Scientists Association Research Club - Middletown
The American Physician Scientists Association Research Club's mission is expanding research opportunities, scientific journal discussions, and research networking.
The organization and its leaders seek to accomplish its mission and purpose by:
- Extend training program initiatives for aspiring physician-scientists to professional programs at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine where they will be beneficial, but may not be currently highly available or formalized, including but not limited to the school of medicine, school of pharmacy, Masters of Biological sciences.
- Acquire a better understanding of medical research and related principles, especially regarding the concept of translational and clinically based research.
- Meet, network with, and build collaborative relationships with other aspiring physician-scientists in training
- Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to write and apply for grants, and establish a research project idea that is feasible and can be executed in a timely fashion.
- Interact with experienced and successful physician-scientists
- Provide vertical mentorship to those who are at a less advanced stage in their training
- Better understand the challenges, pitfalls, and opportunities in the training and career of a physician-scientist.
Executive Board
President: Henry Herrera hherrera@student.touro.edu
Vice-President: Haoming Liu hliu7@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Stephen Hongach shongach@student.touro.edu
National Liaison: Shahmir Naveed snaveed2@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Alex Heglin aheglin@student.touro.edu
Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG) - Harlem
Mission: The purpose of the Anesthesiology Interest Group is to encourage Touro medical students to explore various career possibilities within the field of Anesthesiology. In addition, there may be opportunities for mentorship, education, research, and clinical experience with alumni, residents, and faculty.
Why Join? Anesthesiology is a rewarding field that focuses on the application of physiology with pharmacologic interventions to offer comfort and relief to patients suffering from pain as well as play a critical role in sustaining life during the most arduous circumstances, such as those seen in surgery or intensive care units. AIG aims to help students gain a wider range of exposure to Anesthesiology and to provide resources for learning more about the field. Overall, we hope to create a society for students who share a common interest in this field to collaborate, share ideas, and, most importantly, motivate one another.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Janet Grotticelli janet.grotticelli@touro.edu
President: Jasmine Fung
Vice President: Chloe Kwok
Treasurer: Christina Chacko
Secretary: Sarah Sprung
National Liaison: Shivali Patel
Anesthesiology Interest Group - Montana
The mission of AIG is dedicated to developing a deep understanding and appreciation for the field of anesthesiology among healthcare professionals, students, and the wider community. Our mission is to provide a platform for education, collaboration, and advocacy, in efforts to enhance patient care, advance scientific knowledge, and promote excellence in the field of anesthesiology. Students will be encouraged to participate in community outreach and volunteering events enhancing anesthesiology-related interests and clinical/health experiences. The club will promote the educational experiences which includes shadowship programs with anesthesiology faculty, allowing them to directly focus on the general practice of anesthesiology as well as provide in-depth exploration of several subspecialities in the field.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jay Danto jdanto@touro.edu
President: Helen Lee dlee50@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Nicholas Heeres
Treasurer: Lilia Olsick
Secretary: Pragna Krishnamurthy
National Liaison: Jess Nagler
Social & Community Service Chair: Simra Aziz
Armed Forces Medical Club
The purpose of the Armed Forces Medical Club is to provide community and association to current and former members of the United States Armed Forces, as well as interested, non-military students. We aspire to prepare student-doctors for military career development by providing networking opportunities, social events, and community outreach.
Executive Board:
President: Dana Golden dgolden2@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Brittany Kramer bkramer4@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Darwin Nelson dnelson5@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Don James djames3@student.touro.edu
Artists in Medicine (AIM) - Harlem
The mission of the Artists in Medicine (AIM) organization is to utilize art as a medium for students at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine to interact with each other and the Harlem community. This is done through showcasing artwork, sharing our abilities in the performing arts, exhibiting works of prose, and organizing events that bring students and the community together.
Art can serve as a therapeutic outlet in the stressful life of a medical professional. It provides passion, creativity, and a means to connect with others for those who choose to take part. With more information becoming available regarding the impact of stress on patient care and physician health, it is essential to explore every possible means of increasing the quality of life of medical professionals.
We at AIM cordially invite you to join us as we participate, create, and connect with each other and our community.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ramona Baez ramona.baez@touro.edu
President: Rachel Asaeda
Vice President: Arielle Connoly
Treasurer: Abraham Libman
Secretary: River Williams
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) - Harlem
The mission of APAMSA is to address the unique health challenges of the Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities through community engagement, cultural competency, and professional development.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sushama Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Christine Hyun
Vice President: Mili Shah
Treasurer: Julia Sun
Secretary: Jasmine Fung
National Liaison: Ye(Millie) Ma
Hepatitis/Project H+EAL Chair: Nadia Linton
South East Asian Chair: Austin Cat
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) - Montana
This Organization shall be guided by the following general purposes:
- To represent Asian Pacific Americans (APA) as a group within the health care community at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.
- To be a resource for information on matters related to Asian Pacific Americans.
- To provide a forum for discussion of issues concerning Asian Pacific Americans in health care.
- To provide a link between students and faculty of Asian-Pacific American background.
The purpose of APAMSA is to explore and resolve the unique challenges, obstacles, and responsibilities specific to Asian and Pacific Islander pre-health/health students and health professionals and address health needs specific to Asian and Pacific Islander communities through leadership, education, research, and service.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. John Capobianco
President: Athena Claudio aclaudio2@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Jennifer Li
Treasurer: Michael Ny
Secretary: Hannah Yeom
Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) - Harlem
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sushama Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Nijme Jaafar
Vice President: Radhika Patel
Treasurer: Maya Lipshitz
Secretary: Nikhila Hari
National Liaison: Brianna Myung
Cardiology Interest Group - Harlem
Mission: The cardiology interest group will host events, including informative meetings and lectures by cardiology faculty across the NYC metro area and throughout the United States. The CIG will also organize opportunities for medical students to engage with cardiology faculty through in-person exposure, including, but not limited to, shadowing, workshops, and case presentations. Through these experiences, students will better understand the steps required to become a cardiologist, what career paths are available, and what a career as a cardiologist entails. Importantly, this will also allow students to develop an understanding and appreciation for each sub-specialty within cardiology.
Why join? With an aging population, there continues to be a demand for cardiology-trained physicians. As a member of the CIG, students will have the opportunity to hone their knowledge of cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment, and mentorship opportunities between students and DO faculty. This can include career guidance and research opportunities. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to use this knowledge to assist in providing care to the local community. Planned events include:
- EKG Workshop's
- Cardiac Ultrasound
- Angiogram interpretation
- Assessing patients for peripheral arterial disease
- Heart murmurs & valve disease screening and treatment
Executive Board:
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Naveen Kandavalli naveen-babu.kandavalli@touro.edu
President: Alex Kantor akantor2@student.touro.edu
Vice-President: Mike De Leonardis mde_leon2@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Emilio Hernandez ehernand20@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Shivali Patel spatel78@student.touro.edu
National Liasion: Marinela Veshtaj
Catholic Medical Association - Montana
The mission of the Catholic Medical Association Club is to form and support current and future physicians to live and promote the principles of the Catholic Faith in the science and practice of medicine.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Thomas Miller tmiller10@touro.edu
President: Lillia Olsick lolsick@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Kezia Jose
Treasurer: Yong Kim
Secretary: Alex Reyes
Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) - Middletown
Mission Statement: Christian Medical and Dental Associations motivates, educates, and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God by:
- serving with professional excellence as witnesses of Christ's love and compassion to all peoples
- advancing biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and to our culture
Why Join? CMDA provides students and physicians with resources to integrate faith and practice. Students will have opportunities for fellowship and networking at national conferences and will receive assistance from placement services. In addition, there are opportunities to join international mission trips, change public policy in Washington, D.C., and affect future generations on more than 225 campuses nationwide.
Executive Board:
President: Joe McGann: jmcgann@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Joy-Marie Brusenback: jbrusenb@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Mason Liu: mliu3@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Karen Acquah: kacquah@student.touro.edu
Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) - Middletown
Mission Statement: Christian Medical and Dental Associations motivates, educates, and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God by:
- serving with professional excellence as witnesses of Christ's love and compassion to all peoples
- advancing biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and to our culture
Why Join? CMDA provides students and physicians with resources to integrate faith and practice. Students will have opportunities for fellowship and networking at national conferences and will receive assistance from placement services. In addition, there are opportunities to join international mission trips, change public policy in Washington, D.C., and affect future generations on more than 225 campuses nationwide.
Executive Board:
President: Joe McGann: jmcgann@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Joy-Marie Brusenback: jbrusenb@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Mason Liu: mliu3@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Karen Acquah: kacquah@student.touro.edu
Creative Arts in Medicine - Middletown
To create a community for members of the TouroCOM family to share their artistic interests with others, and explore how involvement in creative arts can benefit the mind, body, and spirit. Creative Arts include, but are not limited to: dance, painting, music, poetry, acting, etcetera.
Engaging in creative activities can help both students and patients clear their minds from daily stressors. As students, we are constantly consumed with new information and we must engage in other activities to re-focus. Patients benefit from art, dance, and music therapy, as the main focus is to enhance mental and emotional well-being, which is important for anyone during recovery or living with a terminal illness.
Executive Board
Advisor: Dr. Fernando P. Bruno
President: Benjamin Araki baraki@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Thomas Richter trichter4@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Raj Patel spatel51@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: John Starner jstarner@student.touro.edu
Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Touro (CIET) - Harlem
Mission: To provide students with exposure, resources, mentorship, workshops, and networking opportunities in services, technology, innovation, and trends that have an impact on modern medicine.
Why join? If you want to learn more about how pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and technology are discovered, produced, and marketed to bring better methods of patient care to life, then this club is for you. This club offers seminars and speakers from various fields to come and share the tools needed to become successful in businesses within the medical field. Help pave the way into the future of medicine.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jeffrey Gardere jeffrey.gardere@touro.edu & Dr. Conrad Fischer Conrad.Fischer@touro.edu
President: Quresh Savliwala
Vice President: Saketh Jayanthi
Treasurer: Harris Chishti
Secretary: Kamyar Chong
Dermatology Interest Group - Montana
Our mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge from the field of dermatology at TouroCOM - Montana. We are committed to promoting a comprehensive understanding of the nature and scope of services provided by osteopathic dermatologists within the various divisions of medical practice, especially in the Great Falls community. Furthermore, we dedicate ourselves to the education of all aspiring physicians, equipping them with valuable dermatological knowledge to facilitate effective patient care.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Douglas Shearer dshearer@touro.edu
President: Lamisa Hassan lhassan3@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Tara Sanjabi
Treasurer: Simran Gill
Secretary: Caroline Aprigliano
Service Chair: Shuja Qureshi
Dermatology Student Organization (DERM) - Harlem, Middletown
Our mission is to stimulate the study and extend knowledge in the field of dermatology and to promote a more general understanding of the nature and scope of services rendered to other divisions of practice, hospitals, clinics, and the public by osteopathic dermatologists.
Why Join? Any student who is interested in the field of dermatology would benefit from joining this student organization. We hold events and meetings to help students who are interested in dermatology get a better idea of what the field is like and get involved in the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Suzanne Sirota-Rozenberg suzanne.sirota@touro.edu & Dr. Todd Levi todd.levi2@touro.edu
President: Violet Munarova vmunarov@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Saranda Kadriovski skadriov@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Vida Vousoghian vvousogh@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Kristine Nyugen knguyen17@student.touro.edu
Campus Engagement Force (CEF) - Harlem
Serving our TouroCOM family in promoting engagement and collaboration that is beautifully seen on campus.
Advisor: Dr. Esquire Anthony Esquire.Anthony@touro.edu
Community Engagement Chair: Lauren Velasquez lvelasqu2@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Anisah Rashid arashid3@student.touro.edu
Community Engagement Officer: Ana Mata amata_ze@student.touro.edu
Emergency Medicine Club - Montana
To magnify student interest in the emergency medicine specialty from an osteopathic viewpoint. We aim to educate and provide networking opportunities to our members through workshops, outreach, and providing service to local communities.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Brittany Mayfield bmayfiel@touro.edu
President: Tiffany Siu ksiu2@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Nick Hunter
Treasurer: Victor Hernandez
Secretary: Alex Reyes
Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) - Harlem, Middletown
Mission: to approach emergency medicine from an osteopathic viewpoint by educating students about the work and life surrounding the Emergency Medicine specialty. Through lectures, workshops, and outreach, we educate and offer networking opportunities and a sense of community.
Why Join? Due to the increase in patient volume and the various changes in health policy governing how we conduct care the role of emergency medicine has become paramount proving care to individuals. The EMIG is here to assist students interested in this ever-expanding field and show them what it takes to enter these competitive residencies. EMIG members will be given opportunities to interact with residency directors as well as many clinicians that can further members in their careers. This medical specialty has become extremely competitive and we have the tools to ensure your success.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Colbourne david.colbourne@touro.edu
President: Mayesha Ahmed
Vice President: Leilanne McCarns
Treasurer: Rachel Asaede
Secretary: Sarah Komon
National Liaison: Casey Kenny
Executive Board - Middletown
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Brown, Joyce.Brown@touro.edu
President - Rehan Karim, rkarim2@student.touro.edu
Vice President - Devin Shanker, dshanker@student.touro.edu
Secretary - Paige Reinfeld, Preinfel@student.touro.edu
Treasurer - Michael Polito, Mpolito@student.touro.edu
Families in Medicine Student Organization (FiM) - Harlem
The mission of Families in Medicine is to provide support via mentorship, mental wellness, and support, as well as professional insight to medical students to balance medical education and family life.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Janet Grotticelli janet.grotticelli@touro.edu
President: Eli Redlich
Vice President: Chana Weis
Treasurer: Julia Sinsky
Secretary: Yakov Karshigiyev
Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) - Middletown
Internal Medicine Student Organization (IMSO) - Harlem, Middletown
Mission: The Internal Medicine Student Organization's (IMSO) goals are to:
- promote communication among members and faculty,
- obtain information about careers in internal medicine,
- promote the profession of internal medicine, and
- serve the Harlem community and NYC as well as the medical school.
IMSO is affiliated with the American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI) and the American College of Physicians (ACP).
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Niket Sonpal Niket.Sonpal@student.touro.edu
President: Niha Ahmad
Vice President: Ari Weingarten
Treasurer: Naim El-Yateem
Secretary: Jessica Politi
National Liaison: Lalla Asmaa Maach
IMSO (Heme-Onc Chair):
IMSO (Pulmonary Chair):
IMSO (Nephrology Chair):
IMSO (Cardiology Chair):
IMSO (Infectious Disease Chair):
IMSO (GI Chair):
International Medicine Club - Middletown
The mission of the International Medicine Club is to serve the underserved both domestically and abroad. The organization will partner with various nonprofit and not-for-profit organizations so that members can help deliver exceptional care to those in need. In doing so, members will also be fulfilling the overall mission of TouroCOM to train osteopathic physicians with an emphasis on practicing medicine in underserved communities. Additionally, the Club will aim to better the Middletown community through community service and outreach events.
International Medicine SO/DOCARES - Harlem
To promote active participation and interest in the healthcare of underserved communities on a local and international level. By addressing cultural boundaries and increasing awareness of global healthcare issues, we hope to enable future osteopathic physicians to better understand the human condition on a global scale.
Why Join? Our goals are to work with physicians to provide much-needed medical care to underserved populations, to learn about the practice of medicine in developing regions, to gain skills and cultural awareness that will make us more enlightened practitioners, and to communicate our international experiences to our fellow medical students at school and to the local community. After all, almost every country has a rich satellite community in New York City. We also strive to partner with healthcare organizations globally that provide a continual commitment to the communities they serve. Thus far, students have worked as medical volunteers in India, Guatemala, Haiti, Costa Rica, Kenya, and China, and several other missions are pending.
Executive Board- Harlem
Faculty Advisors: Janet Grotticelli & Dr. Grace Vasconez-Pereira grace.vasconez-pereira@touro.edu
President: Takera Purdie
Vice President: Giselle Molina
Treasurer: Kaitlyn Victoria
Secretary: Amir Elias
National Liaison: Briana Armas
Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) - Harlem
The Latino Medical Student Association was founded to represent, support, educate, and unify US Latino(a) medical students. The association also works to ensure better treatment of Latino(a) communities in America and worldwide by raising awareness of health disparities, teaching medical Spanish classes, and participating in health fairs.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Luis Vidal Luis.vidal@touro.edu
President: Kaitlyn Victoria
Vice President: Maria Padilla
Treasurer: Bernice Diaz
Secretary: Kathryn Carbajal-Everts
National Liaison: Sebastian Baez
Community Service Chair:
Public Relations Chair:
Lifestyle Medicine Club - Montana
The mission of this Lifestyle Medicine Club shall be to further the incorporation and implementation of the six pillars of lifestyle medicine (i.e. sleep, diet, exercise, stress management, relationships, risky substances) - in encouraging individuals to embrace preventative measures for chronic diseases and empowering individuals with an overall sense of well-being that transcends traditional therapies.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sierra Cobb scobb2@touro.edu
President: Tyler Lo tlo4@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Meneka Makhijani
Treasurer: Mark Kim
Secretary: Amanda Tran
Public Relations: Amanda Friedman
Maimonides Medical Society - Harlem
“The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it.” – Maimonides.
The mission of the Maimonides Society is to provide a framework for Jewish life at TouroCOM Harlem, to emulate Rabbi Maimonides's perspective on medical education, to educate medical students on the laws of Jewish medical ethics, and to provide a sense of common purpose and commitment among Jewish healthcare professionals.
The Maimonides Society was created by Jewish healthcare professionals dedicated to educational, social, and philanthropic activities that focus on the betterment of Jews in need locally and around the world. The Maimonides Society provides a unique opportunity to form a collegial atmosphere and networking and integrates medical and Jewish concerns to demonstrate the contributions health professionals can make to support the Jewish community. Throughout the year, the Maimonides Society offers educational speaker panel events targeted specifically to healthcare providers.
The Maimonides Society is named in memory of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon -- Maimonides -- also known as Rambam. Maimonides was born in Spain in 1135 and died in Egypt in 1204. He was a renowned philosopher, Jewish community leader, and physician, that pressed the importance of a person’s sole duty to adhere to a healthy lifestyle to prevent disease.
Maimonides' medical works included commentaries on the work of Hippocrates and Galen, "The Medical Amorphisms”, treatises on asthma, impotence, poisons, and hemorrhoids. Rabbi Moses ben Maimon’s Medical writings are written in Arabic and can be found translated into various languages.
Executive Board
Rabbinical Advisor: Rabbi Robert Fogel robert.fogel2@touro.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Judith Binstock judtih.binstock@touro.edu
President: Yael Jacobs
Vice President: Noam Kuritzky
Treasurer: Mazal Malayev
Secretary: Elle Diamond
Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons - Middletown
Muslims in Medicine Student Association (MMSA) - Harlem
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sushama Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Zunarah Manzoor
Vice President: Lidia Hassen
Treasurer: Jude Zeino
Secretary: Fizza Fahim
National Liaison: Rose Mohona
Nutrition and Wellness Club - Middletown
The primary goal of the Nutrition and Wellness Club at TouroCOM will be to assist, educate, and encourage all those who are interested in the topics of health, nutrition, and fitness. Aligned with the principles of osteopathic medicine, we believe in lifestyle choices that foster the prevention of disease and the promotion of optimal health and good living. Considering the high prevalence of obesity in Orange County and in the Middletown community, the promotion of healthy habits is very important. We have the mission of enacting positive influence in our community by organizing events to promote, educate, and support others in living a balanced and healthy lifestyle. We also plan to positively impact our community by volunteering our efforts to other organizations that also share similar values.
Executive Board:
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Cheryl Rosenfeld cheryl.rosenfeld@touro.edu
President: Rasmey Thach rthach@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Tiffany Kurian tkurian@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Brittany Stelmar bstelmar@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Lamisa Quaim lquaim@student.touro.edu
Garden Coordinators:
Mason Liu mliu3@student.touro.edu
Trieu Ton tton2@student.touro.edu
OB/GYN Interest Group - Middletown
The Touro-COM Middletown Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group is committed to promoting and educating future osteopathic physicians in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The group aims to promote women's health and reproductive health in our student body and in our community through events that focus on staying current in the field and advocating for women.
Executive Board:
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Zeszutek, DO, stephanie.zeszutek@touro.edu
President: Tina Walsh, twalsh4@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Katherine Bruce, kbruce2@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Shreya Prasher, sprasher@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Jaslyn Maurer, jmaurer2@student.touro.edu
OB/GYN Student Organization - Harlem
Mission: The OB/GYN Student Organization at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine was created to foster an interest in the field of OB/GYN and to facilitate a better understanding of the practice and its subspecialties. The OB/GYN SO aims to encourage women’s health advocacy and draw awareness to health disparities within the field of reproductive medicine. The group’s activities are educationally relevant to OB/GYN and also provide an outlet for community service engagement within the realm of women’s health.
Executive Board:
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Molly Findley molly.findley@gmail.com
President: Connie Cao
Vice President: Connie Koutsos
Treasurer: Yael Laks
Secretary: Madison Marolda
Health Disparities Chair: Sonya Alam
Otolaryngology/Ophthalmology Touro Interest Club (OOPTIC) - Harlem
Our mission at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine is to promote interest in, provide an understanding of and contribute to the preparation of students for the fields of both Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, and to promote ocular and aural health among members of the New York City community.
Why join? Our group offers students a chance to work directly with members of the Harlem community performing vision screenings and providing education on ocular and aural health.
Executive Board:
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Steven Sherman djz742@gmail.com
President: Jonathan Munarov
Vice President: Chana Weis
Treasurer: Cynthia Crispino
Secretary: Ezra Bekar
National Liaison: Lianna Rocchio
Pathology & Oncology Club - Middletown
Pathology Student Organization (PSO) - Harlem
To promote interest in the field of Pathology by exposing DO students to different aspects of pathology. To achieve this mission, the TCOM Pathology Student Organization facilitates interactions with professionals in Pathology and its related professions, including forensic pathology. We host guest speakers to educate and engage our club members, provide opportunities for networking with professionals, and assist with off-campus clinical educational opportunities.
Why Join? Membership is FREE. Our Student Organization will be providing review sessions for Histology/Pathology Exams and will offer mentoring opportunities.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Luis Vidal Luis.Vidal@touro.edu
President: Nagma Tai
Vice President: Noam Kuritzky
Treasurer: Giovanni Pacheco
Secretary: Megan Weisenberg
Pediatric Interest Group - Middletown
The Pediatrics Interest Group is an organization intended to help medical students learn more about the field of Pediatrics. Whether you want to pursue Pediatrics specifically, family medicine, or any other field of medicine, this group will help cultivate pediatrics clinical skills and experience.
Executive Board
President: Dana Convissar
Vice President: Alex Casey
Secretary: Kaitlyn Ludwigsen
Treasurer: Kristina Bezdickova
National Liaison: Kritica Arora
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Interest Group (PMRIG) - Harlem, Middletown
To increase awareness of the spectrum of clinical practice in PM&R and encourage medical students to explore career opportunities within the field of PM&R.
The PM&R Interest Group will provide Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine students with greater exposure to the field of PM&R, with opportunities for mentorship, education, and hands-on experience with PM&R faculty and residents.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is an imperative field of medicine that aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. Having a greater emphasis on the musculoskeletal system, it especially appeals to Osteopathic Medical students. In fact, a substantial number of DO's practice PM&R and are highly regarded and recognized. Our goal is to increase awareness and promote the PM&R Interest Group to educate ourselves and fellow classmates on the importance, benefits, and appeals of this specialty.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Stern michelle.Stern@nychhc.org
President: Andrew Bensonoff
Vice President: Zeng Xiang Chen
Treasurer: Gijang Kim
Secretary: Lia myerski
Faculty Advisor: President: Ajith Saju
Vice President: Hisham Elsayed
Secretary: Neil Srinivas
Treasurer: Krishna Sheth
Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) - Harlem
- To spread awareness of human rights issues to the student and public community through leadership and research.
- To assist in the investigation, documentation, and prevention of human rights violations through patient advocacy and public policy change.
- To educate and serve the community by bringing attention to human rights abuses, both locally and globally.
PHR’s National Student Program engages medical students and other young health professionals from across the United States who are interested in the intersection of health and human rights. The program provides medical students with the necessary resources and training to develop the skills and experience required to advocate for human rights.
Students organize local, direct actions on human rights issues; raise awareness on their campuses, in local communities, and in the media; organize educational events; and urge elected officials to take action through lobby days and by responding to PHR action alerts.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Esquire Anthony esquire.anthony@touro.edu
President: Sarah Alvi
Vice President: Lalla Asmaa Mach
Treasurer: Megan Weisenberg
Secretary: Jenna Langan
National Liaison:
Physician's Plate - Harlem
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susham RIch sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Prerana Dewan
Vice President: Madison Marolda
Treasurer: Moshe Smith
Secretary: Cassidy Freeman
National Liaison: Samantha McGouldrick
Primary Care Interest Group - Montana
To promote interest and opportunities to medical students interested in a variety of specialties within Primary Care, to provide service to the community of Great Falls and the surrounding frontier communities, and to foster the development of Touro College’s osteopathic medical students into becoming excellent primary care providers.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Thomas Miller tmiller10@touro.edu
President: Madelyn Olivas molivas@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Sarah Byrd
Treasurer: Parker Hoffman
Secretary: Arushi Ahuja
Psychiatry Student Interest Group (PsychSIG) - Harlem
To provide the Touro Community with information and resources in the field of psychiatry, as well as to promote psychiatric education in the medical school community. In addition, advocate for mental health as an integral part of overall health.
Why Join? Our student organization brings knowledge and awareness to our community of medical students. Being in medical school, the stress can be high, and would therefore like to serve as a peer-to-peer guide and support group for other students. Being in the heart of Harlem, we would like to reach out to high school children in order to educate them on mental health and ultimately supply them with the resources they may need.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Gardere jeffrey.gardere@touro.edu
President: David Lee
Vice President: Abraham Deitsch
Treasurer: Fizza Fahim
Secretary: Amelia Hall
Publicity Chair: Ashvarya Gite
Psychiatry Student Interest Group (PsychSIG) - Middletown
To provide the Touro Community with information and resources in the field of psychiatry, as well as to promote psychiatric education in the medical school community. In addition, advocate for mental health as an integral part of overall health.
Psychiatry and Neurology Student Interest Group (PsychSIG) is TouroCOM Middletown's premiere student organization dedicated to developing mental health awareness and discussing neurological medicine from the varying points of view of medical students, future patients, and physicians alike. With fundraising movie nights, wellness days, patient speakers, and community volunteer opportunities, PsychSIG aims to actively debate and work upon hot-button relevant issues ranging from such topics as medical student burnout to socioeconomic mental health disparities. With open hearts and level heads, PsychSIG strives to help our communities, our patients, and ourselves; and hopes to remain: always on your mind.
Executive Board
Advisor: Dr. Arthur Lasko
Co-Advisor: Dr. Michael Miller, michael.miller21@touro.edu
President: Robert Giannetti; rgiannet@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Megan Crants; mcrants@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Isrin Srisethnil isriseth@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Chirag Parikh; cparikh@student.touro.edu
Public Health Collaborative of TouroCOM - Middletown
The Public Health Club is committed to raising awareness about public health issues through community involvement around Middletown, Orange County, and the TouroCOM campus. With these involvements including events such as flu clinics and food drives to benefit local food pantries, the club is a great way to get involved on campus and the local area, while promoting public health.
Executive Board
President: Roxana Mehran rmehran@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Ian Batson ibatson2@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Lyle Yap lyaphock@student.touro.edu
Public Relations: Ryan Mirchin rmirchin@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Melanie Montano mmontano2@student.touro.edu
Radiology Student Interest Group (RadSIG) - Harlem
The Radiology Student Interest Group aims to cultivate student interest in the field of radiology and foster a better understanding of the role it plays in all medical practices. To achieve this mission, the Radiology Student Interest Group provides opportunities for students to interact and network with practicing radiologists as well as attend guest speaker events in which professionals will share their medical experiences.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Luis Vidal Luis.Vidal@touro.edu
President: Mazal Malayev
Vice President: Anushka Itwaria
Treasurer: Giovanni Pacheco
Secretary: Giovanni Lopez
Rainbow Health Coalition (RHC) - Harlem, Middletown
The TouroCOM Rainbow Health Coalition’s stated mission is to educate the medical community on LGBTQIA+ issues, advocate for LGBTQIA+ patients, and champion LGBTQIA+ physician representation. We hope to act as a source of both support and change within the Touro community through conversation, celebration, and visibility. Current initiatives span from curriculum redesign to educational panels addressing the importance of LGBTQIA+ sensitive care.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Gardere jeffrey.gardere@touro.edu
President: Dominic Popescu
Vice President: Allen merced-Figueroa
Treasurer: Laura Tarbay
Secretary: Alexander Gordon
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tamie Proscia-Lieto, tamie.proscia-lieto@touro.edu
Rainbow Health Coalition - Montana
The Rainbow Health Coalition Chapter at TouroCOM - Montana aims to provide education for all future medical professionals regarding LGBTQ+ and women’s health and to provide a platform for the discussion of pertinent healthcare issues and disparities relating to gender and sexuality so that we can cultivate a safer, more open, and culturally competent environment for underrepresented and underserved populations within our community.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Shaquria Adderley sadderle@touro.edu
President: Alex Reyes areyes21@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Michael Ny
Treasurer: Mark Kim
Secretary: Sylvan Greyson
Research at Touro (REST) - Harlem
Mission: To promote academic excellence in medicine and to give the student body a forum to learn basic research skills, research training, and professional development.
Why join: As a medical student it is essential to hone in academic medical skills. This organization will give students the ability to practice presenting medical research papers on a monthly basis and connect students with research opportunities.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor(s): Dr. Niket Sonpal niket.sonpal@touro.edu & Dr. Stacey Fanning stacey.fanning@touro.edu
President: Areej Niaz
Vice President: Naim El-Yateem
Treasurer: Abraham Deitsch
Secretary: Zunarah Manzoor
Student Association of American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (SAACOFP) - Harlem
The American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) is a professional medical association that represents more than 20,000 practicing osteopathic family physicians, residents, and students throughout the United States. The SAACOFP provides students with the framework upon which to build a professional network and the opportunity to enhance their professional and leadership skills.
Why Join? The American College of Osteopathic Family Medicine (ACOFP) is a professional organization for osteopathic family physicians. ACOFP works to promote excellence in osteopathic family medicine through responsible advocacy, quality education, and visionary leadership. The membership is free to students for all four years they are in medical school, as well as throughout their residency.
Membership Benefits: Prescribers Letter. Buyers Guide (enables physicians and professionals in the health care field to locate the industry-specific products and services they need), Credit Card Program, Health Insurance, Office Supplies Discounts, OsteopathicWebsites.com, Relocation Services, Rental Cars Discounts, OMM Resources (OMT Video procedures Online), We will also be giving out ACOFP stethoscope name tags for those that sign up.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Matsuko Takeshige matsuko.takeshige@touro.edu
President: Heidi Brody
Vice President: Tzipora Benyaminov
Treasurer: Andrew Bensonoff
Secretary: Chana Weis: Yehudis Weiss
Student Association of American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (SAACOFP) - Middletown
The American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) is a professional medical association that represents more than 20,000 practicing osteopathic family physicians, residents, and students throughout the United States. The SAACOFP provides students with the framework upon which to build a professional network and the opportunity to enhance their professional and leadership skills.
Why Join? The ACOFP works to promote excellence in osteopathic family medicine through responsible advocacy, quality education, and visionary leadership. The membership is free to students for all four years they are in medical school, as well as throughout their residency.
Student members at Middletown can benefit from OMM Resources (OMT Video procedures Online), and mentorship programs. The SAACOFP also offers a voice to all student members through our support system for writing and reviewing new resolutions concerning all recent issues in healthcare and health education. In addition, we offer a monthly health education program to the local community through our Mobile Health Education Van outreach program, providing students with a great way to interact with the local community and reach their TOUCH hour goals. By joining our association, you will receive ACOFP earbuds, pens, pins, retractable ID holders and many more incentives.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Martin Torrents, DO - martin.torrents@touro.edu
President: John Smith - jsmith45@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Brendon Irving - birving@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Janice Joseph - jjoseph24@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Aqsa Nadeem - anadeem@student.touro.edu
Mobile Health Van Chair: Soulin Haque - shaque6@student.touro.edu
Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO) - Harlem, Middletown
Our goal in SAAO is to increase awareness of osteopathic philosophy and osteopathic manipulative medicine. The TouroCOM chapter hosts numerous events that include both didactic and hands-on experiences. SAAO events are also aimed at enhancing our palpatory skills and OMT techniques.
Why Join? OMM is vital for providing patients with a standard level of care for patients. SAAO is focused on providing an extra level of exposure to OMM in order to enhance our level of understanding of OMM mechanics, skills in palpation, and technique performance beyond the level of what is taught in class. OMM takes time and practice to master and the more experience one gets the better one's skills become. SAAO is a national student organization, which hosts annual national convocations where members can meet DOs from all over the country.
Joining SAAO will give you a four-year membership for a one-time $40 membership fee.
- SAAO Membership Benefits:
Ability to attend the annual AAO Convocation; - Review forums organized by local chapters for OMM practical exams.
- Workshops to learn and practice new OMM skills
- Research opportunities and case studies
- Scholarships
- Community service projects - helping others and earning TOUCH points,
- Participate in osteopathic outreach programs to help educate the public about Osteopathic Medicine
- Opportunities to practice and develop OMT skills,
- Opportunities to help other students learn Osteopathic principles, philosophy, and techniques.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jacob Gallagher jgallagh8@touro.edu
President: Alexander Gordon
Vice President: Shazib Naseer
Treasurer: Giovanni Lopez
Secretary: Khushi Patel
National Liaison: Michael Suarez-Villamil
Student American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics (SAOAO) - Harlem, Middletown
To form a bridge between Osteopathic Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery, in order to create a holistic functioning system to provide all the members with the opportunity to change the future of Osteopathic Orthopedic medicine by being well-educated and experienced health care practitioners.
Why Join? The SAOAO will be a stepping-stone as a student organization for any medical student, whether one who wishes to pursue a career in orthopedic surgery or one who is simply interested in the field and wishes to learn more about it. Through networking and events on campus, we hope to facilitate the production of future orthopedic surgeons, while still having fun in the process.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor(s): Dr. Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Jude Zeino
Vice President: Hannah Peterson
Treasurer: Khalil Urrehman
Secretary: Rashik Raian
National Liaison: Jacob Bouzaglou
Sports Medicine Chair: Bradley MacNiven
Student Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons (SAMOPS)- Montana
Student Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (SAMOPS) TouroCOM MT Chapter works to unite the Touro COM students of all the military branches and their supporters. The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines work together to prepare for their respective military training and provide advice on how to be successful in the military society. MMSD will raise awareness of unique academic opportunities that are available to Touro COM students. This group will build and continue to strengthen the relationship with the Great Falls community and Malmstrom AirForce Base and Air Guard. Touro COM military students feel honored to have the opportunity to take care of America’s Heroes in the future.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Thomas Miller tmiller10@touro.edu
President: Rilee Schmidt rschmidt4@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Christian Mark Carlos
Treasurer: George Kenyon Carpenter
Secretary: Kelli Shai Koehmstedt
National Liason: Elle Webber
Branch Liason Army: Claire Rodriguez
Branch Liaison Air Force: Chris Herrera
Physical Training Officer: Matthew Tully
Military Skills Training Officer: James Hanna
Sigma Sigma Phi (SSP) Honor Society - Harlem
As an organization, we aim to further the science of Osteopathic Medicine and its standards of practice. In addition, our overall goal is to improve the scholastic standing and promote a higher degree of fellowship among the members of SSP and the student body as a whole.
Why Join? As a member of SSP, you will be part of a nationally recognized honor society (the only DO-specific honor society recognized on the ACGME residency application). In addition, members have the opportunity to become involved with the community as well as TouroCOM itself due to SSP's strong focus on both volunteering and academics.
Incentives: We will be raffling off two highly used books: Gray's Review of Anatomy for 1st years and First Aid's COMLEX review for 2nd years during the club fair.
Requirements to join: completion of the 1st Semester with an average of 3.0 or higher; membership fee.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stacey Fanning stacey.fanning@touro.edu
President: Annie Taffaro ataffaro@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Anaha Raghunathan araghuna2@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Domaldy De Jesus ddejesus5@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Ahmed Shabir ashabir@student.touro.edu
Sigma Sigma Phi (SSP) Honor Society - Middletown
Sigma Sigma Phi (SSP) is a nationally recognized Honorary Osteopathic Service Fraternity. Its objectives and purposes are to further the science of osteopathic medicine and its standards of practice, to improve the scholastic standing and promote a higher degree of fellowship among its students, to bring about a closer relationship and understanding between the student bodies and the officials and members of the faculties of our colleges, and to foster allegiance to the American Osteopathic Association and to perpetuate these principles and the teachings through the maintenance and development of this organization.
Requirements: Students may apply to SSP after their first semester, given they have earned at least a 3.0 GPA. If accepted into the fraternity, there is a one-time membership fee as well as specific academic and community service requirements that must be upheld to maintain membership.
Executive Board
Advisor: Dean Kenneth Steier, D.O., kenneth.steier@touro.edu
President: Tina Anjali Jagtiani, tjagtian@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Shilpa Malik, smalik6@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Santino Patrizi, spatrizi2@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Brittany Porreca, bporreca@student.touro.edu
SIM Club - Montana
The TouroCOM-Great Falls Simulation Club is committed to helping build expertise in the area of medical simulation technology by providing training experiences and inter-professional opportunities to enhance the clinical skills of future physicians.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Becky Slater bslater2@touro.edu
President: Alyssa Hart ahart@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Jess Negler
Treasurer: Faud Ishaq
Secretary: Judner Garcon
Public Relations: Meneka Makhijani
Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO) - Montana
The Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO) has been organized by students for the purposes of helping osteopathic medical students: To acquire a better understanding of osteopathic principles, theories. Help students attain a maximum proficiency in osteopathic structural diagnosis and treatment; Foster a clear concept of clinical application of osteopathy in health and disease; and, Improve public awareness of osteopathic medicine so that the community may better take advantage of the benefits provided by the complete health care concept of osteopathic medicine.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jay Danto jdanto@touro.edu
President: Judner Garcon jgarcon@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Alise Adornato
Treasurer: Navneet Kaur
Secretary: Rilee Schmidt
National Liaison: Christian Mark Carlos
Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) - Harlem
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Gardere jeffrey.gardere@touro.edu
President: Olivia Banks
Vice President: Brianna Urena
Treasurer: Noah Baker
Secretary: Joseph Kuo
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) - Harlem
The Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) is a part of the American Academy of Neurology and consists of over 130 chapters in medical schools across the U.S. and Canada. It is for those students interested in the fields of neurology and neuroscience. We bring speakers related to the fields of neurology and neurosurgery to speak to the student body about their respective fields and also help to promote mental health in the Harlem community.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Luis Vidal luis.vidal@touro.edu
President: Rachele Angiolini
Vice President: Anushka Itwaria
Treasurer: Katelyn Wang
Secretary: Adeel Anwar
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) - Middletown
The TouroCOM-Middletown Simulation Club is committed to helping build expertise in the area of medical simulation technology by providing training experiences and inter-professional opportunities to enhance the clinical skills of future physicians.
Executive Board
Club Email: SIMclubTouroMid@gmail.com
President: Abigail Dominguez-Trujillo, OMS-II – adomingu6@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Karan Kumar, OMS-II – kkumar3@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Valerie Roberts, OMS-II – vsmith8@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Alyssa Piscitello, OMS-II – apiscite@student.touro.edu
SIM Team Coordinator: Sachelle Martin, OMS-II – smartin20@student.touro.edu
Student Leadership Club - Montana
The Mission of the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – Great Falls Campus Student Leadership Club is to prepare and empower future leaders in the medical field to positively impact their community. We will achieve this by fostering excellence in practice, education, advocacy, and community engagement.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Douglas Shearer dshearer@touro.edu
President: Sabrina Drobeck sdrobeck@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Gurinder Singh
Treasurer: Parker Hoffman
Secretary: Colby Spongberg
Event Coordinators: Caroline Aprigliano, Madelyn Olivas
Student National Medical Association (SNMA) - Harlem, Middletown
Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent, and socially conscious physicians.
Why Join? SNMA is open for everyone to join! It is also FREE to join! We plan to have an exciting and active academic year. We will have fun events, informative events, as well as volunteer opportunities.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Esquire Anthony esquire.anthony@touro.edu
President: Alexa Wallace
Vice President: Aliyah Blackman
Treasurer: Takera Purdie
Secretary: Lidia Hassen
National Liaison: Giselle Molina
MAPs Liaison: Maria Padilla
Student National Medical Association (SNMA) - Montana
Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Shaquria Adderley sadderle@touro.edu
President: Kayla Evans kevans5@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Chelsie Larrieux
Treasurer: Faud Ishaq
Secretary: Karen Egu
Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) - Harlem
The purpose of the Student Osteopathic Medical Association, the only student-affiliate organization of the American Osteopathic Association, is to promote Osteopathic ideals and unity within the profession, to educate future Osteopathic Physicians, and to establish and maintain lines of communication among healthcare professionals in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of healthcare.
Just for joining you can apply to win one of 5 scholarships worth $500! In addition, we provide deep discounts on exam prep materials for COMLEX that will save you hundreds. Your four-year membership to SOMA automatically paves the way for your AOA membership which represents EVERY osteopathic physician. The intimate relationship of SOMA and the AOA allows for exceptional mentorship and guidance as well as a greater opportunity to let your voice be heard within the greater Osteopathic community! Incentives: Membership dues this year are $49 for a four-year membership. This easily pays for itself because you will get a FREE copy of Thiemes Atlas of Anatomy, valued at $83. SOMA also offers great discounts on COMQUEST, COMBANK, First AID, Thieme Anatomy, and your travel needs. Furthermore, as a member, our local SOMA chapter is involved in resolution writing, service events, mentorship, and an opportunity to attend DO Day on Capitol Hill and advocate on behalf of National SOMA.
SOMA is committed to representing all Osteopathic students on political affairs, residency placement, public health, research, community service, professional development, and minority affairs by providing a direct partnership with the AOA, granting scholarships and member benefits, and engaging in various projects to promote Osteopathic values throughout the community.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor(s): Dr. Gardere jeffrey.gardere@touro.edu
President: Noah Baker
Vice President: Rashik Raian
Treasurer: Drew Alessi
Secretary: Prerana Dewan
National Liaison: Jacob Deschino
Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) - Middletown
The Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) is the official and exclusive student arm of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). We are a medical student advocacy organization that works to effect health policy change as well as to create opportunities for medical students in research, community service, and education.
In addition to advocating for healthcare policy changes affecting the entire osteopathic medical profession, we particularly promote policies affecting medical students, such as increasing the number of residency training programs, protecting medical student loan forgiveness programs, and lowering loan interest rates. We meet with both federal and state legislators at D.O. Day on Capitol Hill and Physician Advocacy Day, respectively, and work with both of the state medical societies- the New York State Osteopathic Medical Society (NYSOMS) and the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY).
We hold a research symposium annually, where students can compete with posters from all past and present research from any field of study. We are extremely active in the community, partnering with Habitat for Humanity offices in both Middletown and Newburgh, to help rebuild homes and give back to the community that has been so welcoming of our school. We also offer a Social Medicine Program, aimed at providing humanistic education to complement our medical school coursework; past talks have been on topics like triage during Hurricane Katrina, end-of-life considerations for both patients and healthcare providers, and the effects of unconscious bias in healthcare.
Members who join in the fall receive a free Thieme Anatomy Atlas and are eligible to apply for member-exclusive scholarships through the SOMA Foundation throughout the year. Benefits also include discounts on board prep resources and subsidized costs to major medical conferences like OMED.
2019-2020 Executive Board:
Faculty Advisor - Dr. Stephanie Zeszutek
President: Nicholas Bills nbills@student.touro.edu
NLO: Oksana Levchenko olevchen@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Gina Correll gcorrell@student.touro.edu
Secretary: Aqsa Nadeem anadeem@student.touro.edu
Treasurer: Ankita Kadarmandalgi akadarma@student.touro.edu
Community Outreach: Devisha Patel dpatel29@student.touro.edu
Health Disparities: Atif Towheed atowheed@student.touro.edu
Political Affairs: Naomi Isaac nisaac2@student.touro.edu
Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) - Montana
TCOM - Montana-SOMA shall adopt the national SOMA objectives as follows: a) to improve the quality of healthcare delivery to the American people and the world; b) to contribute to the welfare and education of osteopathic medical students; c) to familiarize its members with the purpose and ideals of osteopathic medicine; d) to establish lines of communication with other health science students and organizations; e) to prepare its members to meet the social, moral, and ethical obligations of the osteopathic medical profession; and f) to promote osteopathic ideals and unity within the profession.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Zeszutek stephanie.zeszutek@touro.edu
President: Pragna Krishnamurthy pkrishna3@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Rushi Mandalaywala
Treasurer: Simra Aziz
Secretary: Simra Aziz
National Liaison: Sukhmani Kaur
American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS) - Harlem, Middletown
The purpose of ACOS is to represent and educate future osteopathic surgeons through our local chapter. The fundamental principles of student education in surgery include: Stressing the understanding of osteopathic principles in relationship to disease in the practice of surgery; Helping to promote education in the field of surgery, including gowning and gloving, scrubbing, sterile technique, suturing and tying techniques, operating room behavior, instrumentation, universal precautions, osteopathic manipulative management of the surgical patient, pre and post-operative management of surgical patients, and surgical documentation; providing a forum for discussion amongst students and surgeons of various specialties.
Incentives: ACOS members are given priority when it comes to all events, including speakers, opportunities to attend national conferences, community service opportunities, and many other activities (suture clinics, mock practicals, procedure clinics, knot tying clinics, how to scrub in).
ACOS members are also eligible for the following scholarships:
$500 - 1 Educational Scholarship
$750 - 1 Medical Mission Scholarship
$250 - 1 Travel Scholarship
$50- 2 Research Poster Scholarships
$250 - 1 Chapter Scholarship
Executive Board – Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sushama Rich sushama.rich@touro.edu
President: Drew Alessi
Vice President: Sebastian Baez
Treasurer: Connie Cao
Secretary: Susannah Simpfenderfer
National Liaison: Angela Tran
Executive Board – Middletown
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rachael Connington
President: Chase Knowles
Vice President: Trent Williams
Treasurer: Muhammad Amin
Secretary: Taylor Sims
National Liaison: Gabriel Zavurov
TouroCOM Montana Run Club - Montana
The mission of TouroCOM Montana Run Club is to promote physical and mental health, lifestyle balance and community through a shared passion for running. Run Club will achieve these goals through organizing weekly group runs, volunteering in the community to promote health and wellness (i.e., activities that promote or teach physical activity and nutrition) and by selecting races to train for and run in. These activities will foster growth and community for our school, as well as for individuals involved who may develop passions in related specialties, as well as commitments to individual health and wellness. It is our intention to inspire health, wellness and balance throughout the challenges of medical school in order to set healthy practices for a life of wellness.
Executive Board
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Tiffany Hensley-Mcbain thensley@touro.edu
President: Clarissa Kaylor ckaylor@student.touro.edu
Vice President: Jenny Kim
Treasurer: Mirielle Reid
Secretary: Erin Shannon
Public Relations: Devin Fitz
Urology Student Association (USA) - Harlem
The USA will provide students at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine insight into the unique field of Urology via its focus on education, research, and advocacy while providing vital resources for students interested in entering the urology match. The USA will also strive to provide vital resources and educational materials to the Harlem community during community health fairs and other volunteer activities.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Olalekan A. Ogunsakin olalekan.ogunsakin@touro.edu
President: Marco Halabi
Vice President: Tzipora Beniyaminov
Treasurer: Moshe Smith
Secretary: Angela Tran
White Coats 4 Black Lives (WC4BL) - Harlem
Executive Board
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kamilah Ali kamilah.ali6@touro.edu
President: David Tokpah
Vice President: Kevin Domfeh
Treasurer: Aliyah Blackman
Secretary: Gabrielle Singh
Wilderness Medicine Club (WMC) - Harlem
Our mission is to educate future physicians about the field of wilderness medicine and the unique challenges therein: limited supplies, lack of hospitals, and the need for fast and decisive action. We plan to bring in specialists in survival skills and wilderness medicine to provide insight into the challenges and rewards of wilderness medicine. We will host workshops and trips to learn and utilize the skills in a remote setting. Additionally, it is our hope to bring wilderness first aid and advanced wilderness life support training opportunities to students.
The Wilderness Medicine Club (WMC) is a student interest group chapter of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS). Founded in 1983, the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) is the world's leading organization devoted to wilderness medical challenges. Wilderness medicine topics include expedition and disaster medicine, dive medicine, search and rescue, altitude illness, cold- and heat-related illness, wilderness trauma, and wild animal attacks. WMS explores health risks and safety issues in extreme situations such as mountains, jungles, deserts, caves, marine environments, and space.
Starting Fall 2019, we will offer to students a Wilderness First-Aid certification course. Additionally, there is an approved Wilderness Medicine Elective that students can do on their clerkship rotations.
As a nationally recognized chapter of the Wilderness Medical Society (wms.org), students can gain full access to member benefits with a $50 annual student membership available below. Benefits include access to lectures, presentations, learning Scenarios, a monthly newsletter, and a subscription to Wilderness and Environmental Medicine publication. Additional benefits include discounts, insurance coverage, bi-annual WMS Conferences with scholarships offered for students to attend, research grants, and outdoor learning opportunities available.
Executive Board - Harlem
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Colbourne david.colbourne@touro.edu
President: David Grossfeld
Vice President: Khalil Urrehman
Treasurer: Jackson Dooley
Secretary: Alexander Gordon
National Liaison: Arash Deep
Wilderness Medicine Club - Middletown
We intend to educate future physicians about the field of wilderness medicine and the unique challenges therein: limited supplies, lack of hospital access, and the need for fast and decisive action. We intend to bring in specialists in survival skills and wilderness medicine to provide insight into the challenges and rewards of wilderness medicine. We will host workshops and trips to learn and utilize the skills in a remote setting.
Faculty Advisor:
President: Molly McHugh
Vice President: Yasmine Hemidav Secretary: Melissa Zahl
Treasurer: Andrew Bertollo