Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Resources for Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff may be the first to recognize students who are in need of counseling services or crisis intervention.
Ways to respond to a student in distress.
- Express interest and concern, but remain calm.
- Let the student talk.
- Listen carefully to the student and take their feelings seriously.
- Suggest meeting with the mental health counselor. Emphasize that seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.
- Consult with the counselor for support.
If the student agrees:
- Offer to contact the counselor while with the student.
- Follow up directly with the student to confirm follow-through.
If the student declines:
- Continue to recommend counseling, but don’t force the issue.
- Consult with the counselor about your concerns.
- Sound (or be) judgmental.
- Become flustered or panicky.
- Use accusatory or critical statements.
- Make assumptions about what the student is going to say.
- Ask the student if they have a mental health problem.
- Look for a “quick fix” for the student’s problems.
- Become frustrated if suggestions are resisted.
- Be afraid to ask if the student has recent/current thoughts about wanting to die or being better off dead.
Ways to Refer Students to Counseling & Wellness
- Via Student-Faculty Interaction Form
- Via Phone
- Via Dean of Student of Affairs
Assisting Students in Distress
A student's meetings with the Counselor are confidential. The Counselor cannot confirm that a student contacted the Counselor or attended a counseling session without the student’s written permission.
Additional Resources/Coverage
For 24/7 Support, Referral, and Crisis Intervention Services:
Health Advocate Student Assistance Program:
1-855-384-1800 or https://members.healthadvocate.com
NYC Well Helpline:
1-888-NYC-Well (692-9355)