Matsuko Takeshige, DO

Assistant Clinical ProfessorTouro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Harlem


  • Colbourne, D., Takeshige, M., Tamari, K., Sirota, H., Fleurat, C., Camara, D., Griffin, A., Leff, J., & Tran, T. (2023). Using Simulated Patient Avatar and Monitor (SPA©M) to Advance Learner’s Knowledge of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. Medical Science Educator.
  • Colbourne, D., Takeshige, M., Tamari, K., Sirota, H., Fleurat, C., Camara, D., Griffin, A., Leff, J., & Tran, T. (2023). Using Simulated Patient Avatar and Monitor (SPA©M) to Advance Learner’s Knowledge of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. Medical Science Educator.
  • Colbourne, D., Tamari, K., & Takeshige, M. (2021, October 28). Exploring VIPES Simulation Using a Patient Avatar [Presentation]. The Academy for Professionalism in Health Care (APHC) 5th Virtual Conference on Professionalism and the Digital Transformation of Health Care and Education: Designing the New Normal.
  • Takeshige, M., Takeshige, T., & Takeshige, U. (2020). A Tale of Two Gabriellas. The American Journal of Medicine, 133 (10), 1227-1228.
  • Takeshige, T., Takeshige, U., & Takeshige, M. (2019). The Forgotten Orphan of the South Bronx. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 134 (3), 639-640.
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