Kathleen DiCaprio, PhD

Kathleen DiCaprio is an assistant professor of medical microbiology and immunology at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. She earned her Ph.D. in pathology from Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and is a Kaplan USMLE Step 1 instructor for immunology and microbiology. Previously she worked for the New York City DOHMH Public Health Laboratory where she assisted in laboratory and emergency responses during the H1N1 Influenza outbreak in 2009. Dr. DiCaprio also serves as a consultant in areas of laboratory biosafety, emergency responses and animal laboratory sciences for Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratories. In 2005 Dr. DiCaprio helped develop a vaccine—now being tested by the National Institutes of Health—which is considered the best hope to stem the spread of the Ebola virus.
Areas of Expertise
Infectious diseases, public health, Ebola
- Kadish, A., Halperin, E., Amler, R., DiCaprio, K., Montecalvo, M., Janiga, N. S., & Murthy, P. (2021). Twelfth Symposium on COVID-19: COVID-19 as of June 3, 2021: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/covid19_symposia/12
- Kadish, A. H., Halperin, E., Bakshi, C., DiCaprio, K., Tahara, D., Garrick, R., & Pellicone, J. (2021). COVID-19 as of February 18, 2021: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/covid19_symposia/1
- Kadish, A., Halperin, E., Ferrando, S. J., Montecalvo, M. A., Amler, R., Kagedan, L., DiCaprio, K., & Murray, K. M. (2021). COVID-19 as of January 12, 2021: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/covid19_symposia/2
- Kadish, A., Halperin, E., Amler, R., Amler, S., Etienne, M., DiCaprio, K., Hendriksz, T., Montecalvo, M. A., & Schluger, N. W. (2020). COVID-19 as of December 3, 2020: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/covid19_symposia/3
- Kadish, A., Gewitz, M., Montecalvo, M. A., Amler, R., Etienne, M., DiCaprio, K., & Halperin, E. (2020). COVID-19 as of September 24, 2020: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/covid19_symposia/5
- Kadish, A., Hendriksz, T., Clearfield, M. B., DiCaprio, K., Wang, T., Bierman, F. Z., & Halperin, E. (2020). COVID-19 as of August 18, 2020: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/covid19_symposia/6
In The News
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