Our Leadership

Our deans and top administrators are actively shaping the future of healthcare and policy in medical education.

They are involved in the development of federal, city, and state regulatory and public health policy; foster a stimulating academic environment for all faculty and students; and are committed to providing you with the training and support services you need to thrive.

Kenneth Steir

Kenneth Steier, DO, MBA, MPH, MHA, MGH

Executive Dean and Chief Academic Officer; Professor of Medicine
Elizabeth Palmarozzi headshot

Elizabeth Palmarozzi, DO, FACOFP

Founding Campus Dean; Professor of Family Medicine | Montana Campus

Arthur Prancan, PhD

Preclinical Dean; Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology | Harlem Campus
Stephen Jones headshot

Stephen C. Jones, PhD

Associate Dean; Director, MS Program Middletown; Assistant Professor | Middletown Campus
Kartick Pramanik headshot

Kartick Pramanik, PhD, BPharm, MPharm

Assistant Preclinical Dean; Director, MS Program Montana; Associate Professor of Pharmacology | Montana Campus
Nadge Dady headshot

Nadege Dady, EdD

Dean of Student Affairs; Clinical Associate Professor | Harlem Campus

Frank Rose, Jr

Associate Dean of Students | Middletown Campus
Haley Denzer headshot

Haley Denzer, MHA

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs | Montana Campus

Barbara Capozzi, DO

Clinical Dean; Associate Professor | Harlem Campus
Stephanie Zeszutek headshot

Stephanie Zeszutek, DO, FACOG, RPh

Assistant Clinical Dean; Clinical Associate Professor | Montana Campus
Renee Reijo Pera headshot

Renee Reijo Pera, PhD

Dean of Research; Professor | Montana Campus

Stacey L. Fanning, PhD

Chair, Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences; Associate Professor in Immunology; Assistant Dean of Research; Assistant Director, MS Program | Harlem Campus
David Manna

David Manna, PhD

Associate Chair, Basic Biomedical Sciences; Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology; Assistant Dean of Research | Middletown Campus
Headshot of Piotr Kozlowski smiling.

Piotr B. Kozlowski, MD, PhD, FCAP

Director of Pathologists' Assistant Program; Professor of Pathology | Harlem Campus

Tiffany Hensley-McBain, PhD

Associate Dean of Research; Assistant Professor | Montana Campus
Our Leadership, current section