May 2, 2022 1:00pm 2:30pm ET
05/2/22 1:00 PM
05/2/22 2:30 PM
Middletown M.S. Class of 2022 Commencement Ceremony
Paramount Theatre
17 South St, Middletown, NY, 10940
17 South St, Middletown, NY, 10940
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown
May 2, 2022 12:30pm 5:00pm ET
05/2/22 12:30 PM
05/2/22 5:00 PM
SSP Spring Clean Up!
Touro grounds (outside ie: courtyard) and surrounding Middletown area
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
Come join Sigma Sigma Phi in cleaning up Touro grounds and the surrounding Middletown community.
May 2, 2022 10:00am 12:00pm ET
05/2/22 10:00 AM
05/2/22 12:00 PM
Harlem M.S. Class of 2022 Commencement Ceremony
Alhambra Grand Ballroom, 6th Floor
2116 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, New York, NY, 10027
2116 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, New York, NY, 10027
Join us in celebrating our TouroCOM Harlem M.S. Class of 2022!
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Harlem
April 28, 2022 6:00pm 8:00pm ET
04/28/22 6:00 PM
04/28/22 8:00 PM
Oncology Club Meet-and-Greet
Clemson Bros. Brewery
22 Cottage St, Middletown, NY 10940
22 Cottage St, Middletown, NY 10940
Stressed about finals coming up? Feeling overwhelmed with all of the classes? Then come join TouroCOM's NEW Oncology Club e-board for a friendly meet-and-greet at Clemson Brothers' Brewery here in Middletown!
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown
April 28, 2022 5:00pm 5:30pm ET
04/28/22 5:00 PM
04/28/22 5:30 PM
AMWA Sexual Assault Awareness Event
Virtual - Zoom
Zoom link will be sent via e-mail
Zoom link will be sent via e-mail
April is Sexual assault awareness month, no better way to honor and close out the month.
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown
April 28, 2022 12:00pm 1:00pm ET
04/28/22 12:00 PM
04/28/22 1:00 PM
Family Medicine Member meeting
TouroCOM Middletown Campus - Classroom 2
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
General member meeting.
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown
April 28, 2022 11:00am 1:00pm ET
04/28/22 11:00 AM
04/28/22 1:00 PM
DOnuts with DOs
TouroCOM Middletown Campus - Horton Complex Lobby
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
Join SOMA for some FREE DOnuts, from Dave's Daylight Donuts, to celebrate DOs!
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown
April 13, 2022 12:00pm 12:45pm ET
04/13/22 12:00 PM
04/13/22 12:45 PM
Pre-SOMA MS Liaison Meeting
TouroCOM Middletown Campus - Classroom 2
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
60 Prospect Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940
Monthly meeting with your MS Liaison's Kacper Bury and Athena Masi to discuss study strategies, exam prep, AACOMAS/ direct admit, and anything else Touro-related you may need.
April 7, 2022 7:00pm 8:00pm ET
04/7/22 7:00 PM
04/7/22 8:00 PM
EM Program Director Panel
Virtual - Zoom
Come have all your EM residency questions answered!
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown
April 6, 2022 7:30pm 9:00pm ET
04/6/22 7:30 PM
04/6/22 9:00 PM
AMWA Virtual Alumni Mentoring Event
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