Strategic Plan
Mission of TouroCOM Research Laboratories
TouroCOM is committed to promote the health of individuals and populations in the community not only through training physicians, but also through high quality research. The Research Plan for TouroCOM is designed to develop, promote and enhance basic, applied clinical and community-based research with emphasis on issues germane to the local community.
The long-term goal of the Research Plan is to develop and sustain active, nationally and internationally recognized basic science, applied clinical, medical education, epidemiological, and osteopathic research involving the basic science and clinical faculty as well as the students of all ongoing programs. An active research environment within the COM will stimulate and promote faculty development and provide opportunities for professional growth and intellectual satisfaction for the faculty.
TouroCOM research will focus on basic sciences and diagnosis and treatment, both pharmacologic and osteopathic, of ailments such as infectious diseases, cancer, asthma and allergies, diabetes and hypertension, vascular disorders and stroke, neurodegenerative disease and on aging and developmental disorders.
The following goals are the targets of our research program:
- To recruit faculty with a background and interest in research.
- To expand research facilities and to support the research mission.
- To expand research capabilities and technologies available to our faculty and students.
- To promote multidisciplinary and collaborative research within the Touro University System.
- To integrate research and education in order to foster critical thinking in our students and generate a strong foundation in evidence-based medicine.
- To establish a faculty research development program that provides support for faculty members to apply for extramural funding.
- To make the TouroCOM research activities and achievements available to the public through publications, conferences, science exhibits, web postings, and virtual conferences.
Activities Planned for Academic Years 2023 and Beyond
Continuation of existing research projects and activities
- Expansion of TouroCOM Faculty Laboratory Research Program
- Seeking funding opportunities to support research and the research laboratories
- Expanding training of faculty and students in basic laboratory (bench) and clinical research
- Assisting faculty in developing and conducting new research projects
- Training and assistance in grant proposal writing and in procurement of extramural funding
- Training and assistance in preparing and submitting scientific publications
- Continuing and expanding research meetings and seminars with TouroCOM faculty and students
- Expansion of Research Honors Program for outstanding TouroCOM students
- Launch a new research incubator on the Middletown campus fall 2023
- Promote collaborations between McLaughlin Research Institute (MRI) faculty with COM faculty and students
- Expand the current Touro/MRI partnership to engage faculty in teaching, service, and research / scholarly activity with TouroCOM
- Expanding clinical research capabilities
- Creating an affiliated group of Research Adjunct Faculty from other schools and hospitals and inviting them to lecture and participate in our research seminars and research activities
- Establishing appropriate protocols, policies and procedures, securing proper licenses and assuring compliance necessary for clinical research
- Developing research programs in school-based clinics
- Expanding research collaboration with sister Touro colleges and schools and with other extramural research centers
- Completion of TouroCOM laboratory facilities
- Completion and equipping of newly acquired laboratory space in Harlem
- Completion and equipping of newly constructed laboratory space in Middletown
- Introducing new laboratory capabilities, research techniques and technologies
- Set a goal to achieve more than $3 million in research funding annually
- Support, track, and assess the success of the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) in Great Falls to determine ability/viability for continuation
- Establish joint Center for Integrated Biomedical and Rural Health Research (CIB-RHR) for NIH
Research at TouroCOM
Emphasis on scholarship and research and the commitment to biomedical research
Students are encouraged to undertake research activities either in our research laboratories or in laboratories and clinics of other hospitals and institutions affiliated with our school. Students are invited to join and to participate in ongoing research projects of our faculty. In addition, the students that are able to develop their own research projects are assisted in developing research protocols and, if necessary, any necessary equipment, research tools, reagents, or laboratory disposables are purchased for the use by the student.
Emphasis on biomedical and clinical research starts even before students enter the first year of school. Research and scholarly activities are important part of interviewing process of D.O. candidates and the overall research and scholar activities are weighted and are part of the overall score in the admission process.
Students and Faculty are encouraged to participate in Touro University Research Day, held annually to showcase student and faculty research and scientific achievements. Students are encouraged to present their research at other local and national meetings. Affiliated hospitals also have research days where students can present their research,
TouroCOM's commitment to biomedical research is best illustrated by its extensive research laboratories, built and equipped entirely with TouroCOM funds. Most recently, our newly opened Great Falls Montana campus has partnered with McLaughlin Research Institute to create more research opportunities for students and faculty.
All faculty members are encouraged and are provided necessary support to conduct research activities. No research project proposed by faculty or by students has ever been denied proper and adequate support.