Highland Falls High School Takes a Tour of TouroCOM-Middletown
Aspiring HS science students get to experience a day at their local med school.

Thirty-five juniors and seniors from James I. O’Neill High School in Highland Falls, New York took a break from their AP Biology and AP Chemistry classes last week to visit the new medical college that recently opened approximately thirty-five miles from their school—Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (TouroCOM)-Middletown.
The visit was part of a program “to expose high school students in the Mid-Hudson Valley region to the excitement of science and math, and thus stimulate them to think about a career in osteopathic medicine and primary care,” said Dr. Jerry Cammarata, TouroCOM-Middletown’s dean of student affairs and chief operating officer.
Mr. Paul Glotzer, biological sciences teacher at the high school, said that his students “had an absolute blast. They thought the cadaver lab was as exciting as ever, but they were completely amazed by the 3-D dissection lab.”
Since the high school is located on the bank of the Hudson River near the West Point U.S. army base, many of the students who came to tour the campus have “expressed interest in going to the military,” according to Mr. Glotzer, but “many are [also] interested in the medical field and may go on to major in Pre-Medicine.”