This October, Fall Into Health

Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Harlem, in conjunction with Touro College of Pharmacy, held their 6th biannual community health fair on Friday, October 31, 2014.

November 03, 2014

“Free flu shots! Free blood tests! Come get your free health screenings!” called out Touro College of Medicine (TouroCOM) students Krystle Garcia, Eun Kim, and Hillary Ramroop to passersby on Harlem’s W. 125th Street as they held signs promoting the community-wide “Fall Into Health” fair. Across the street and a block over, students sitting under white tents in front of the State Office Building were doing the same thing. 

As part of the biannual Harlem health fair, TouroCOM and Touro College of Pharmacy (TouroCOP) students offer free health services and medical information to residents of the Harlem community and surrounding neighborhoods. Over 150 locals came in to receive flu vaccinations, health screenings, one-on-one medical consultations; and blood glucose-, blood pressure- and hepatitis tests. Student clubs also distributed educational pamphlets about nutrition, chronic illnesses, and healthier lifestyles.

 TouroCOM student Man Si, who was cheerfully greeting patients and escorting them to different stations, said it was “rewarding to hear patients speak about how grateful and happy they are to come and receive these services. Most of them feel more comfortable getting their health screenings here than at a doctors’ office.”

Student leaders Daniel Barbash (vice president of TouroCOM’s honorary osteopathic service fraternity Sigma Sigma Phi chapter) and Terry Tian (vice-chair of TouroCOM’s American Medical Association chapter) organized the successful event. Dr. Tipsuda Bahri, chair of Basic Biomedical Services, and Dr. John Palmer, director of Community Affairs, acted as faculty advisors.

“The health fair is an electrifying day on campus,” said Dr. Robert Goldberg, DO, dean of TouroCOM. “It is a charge to see the faces of the students as they put the skills they’ve learned here to work for the community.”