Summer Anatomy at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

Students Forgo Summer Vacation for a Head Start in Anatomy Classes

August 11, 2015
Students in a classroom
Students listen to Dr. Sushama Rich as she leads a lecture on human anatomy.

New York, N.Y. - While most medical students take the summer off to work, travel, or just recuperate, there were still more than a few students left at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harlem.

A four-week anatomy course offered at TouroCOM drew medical students from Touro and other medical schools, and allowed them a sneak preview of a fundamental part of the curriculum they will be learning for credit in the fall – human anatomy.

The summer course was developed by Dr. Sushama Rich, chair of the Department of Anatomy, in 2011 after she realized that college wasn’t preparing first-year students for the medical terminology and level of detail that they were expected to learn in the fall course, which can make or break their GPAs.

“I was shocked. It was like I was speaking a foreign language to them,” she said.

Since the summer course was first developed, enrollment has grown from 30-80 students and Dr. Rich has seen improvement in students’ understanding of the material and work ethic in the fall. “Even if they don’t improve their grades, they’re much more relaxed and they have more time for other classes, so they’re able to manage their time better,” she explained.

Upon entering the lecture hall, the Summer Anatomy Seminar might seem like any normal anatomy class. Nearly 80 students took copious notes while a professor stood in the front with a power point presentation and a model skeleton.  Dr. Rich explained, however, that this was not a typical anatomy course.

“Classes run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., four days a week, with all of the material that is taught in the fall thrown at the students in a month. It really allows students to dive into the information and prepare to take the credited course in the fall,” she said, adding that come fall, anatomy students who took the summer course typically tell her the very first week how they’ve heard the material before, while others who didn’t take the summer course are struggling.

Ari Esterson, an incoming master’s student at TouroCOM, said he enrolled in the summer course to review his anatomy knowledge and because the course “gives you a leg up.” While the class was fun, it was also challenging because it condenses a lot of material into a short period of time.

Dr. Rich said the course makes students’ lives easier and “jolts them into medical school.” It also teaches them about time management and commitment, she noted.

In addition to entering TouroCOM students, there were students from Columbia Physicians and Surgeons and Wayne State University School of Medicine who are in pursuit of an M.D. degree.

Although an eight-hour class might sound overwhelming, it was broken up into two parts. Mornings were devoted to lectures, usually delivered by Dr Rich.  After lunch students were divided into three groups: one examined dissected cadavers and studied the bones and muscles; another reviewed the previous lecture with a teaching assistant; and the third group did question and answer sessions and discussed their answers in-depth.  

Afternoons were favorites. “I liked the reviews because we got a chance to talk with people and learn from their experience and get good advice from them, too,” said Ange Mele. Another student, Grace Nesheiwat, liked the second part of the day because of the more hands-on approach to learning it offered. “I’m much more of a visual, hands-on learner,” she said.

Students were also provided with practice exams that they took home on weekends. Answers were posted on Sundays, so students could track their progress. Since the exams were not “officially” graded though, they didn’t cause as much stress as they normally might. “The fact that students are not threatened by a passing or failing grade makes our anatomy program stand out,” said Dr. Rich.

About the Touro College and University System

Touro is a system of non-profit institutions of higher and professional education. Touro College was chartered in 1970 primarily to enrich the Jewish heritage, and to serve the larger American and global community. Approximately 18,000 students are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions. Touro College has branch campuses, locations and instructional sites in the New York area, as well as branch campuses and programs in Berlin, Jerusalem, Moscow, Paris, and Florida. Touro University California and its Nevada branch campus, as well as Touro College Los Angeles and Touro University Worldwide as separately accredited institutions within the Touro College and University System. For further information on Touro College, please go to: