Webinar: Osteopathic Primary Care Sports Medicine Model with Dr. Naresh Rao

NYCOMEC Blue Osteopathic Recognition Webinar Series featuring Naresh Rao, DO, FAAP, FAOSM, Faculty, Sports Medicine Fellowship, Plainview Hospital - Register Here
"An Application of the Osteopathic Primary Care Sports Medicine Model"
Learning synopsis: Comprehensive sports medicine goes beyond the treating injuries from athlete related activities; it is competence that includes knowledge in physical therapy, exercise training, nutrition, coaching, motivation, psychology, and spirituality. Applying this discipline towards athletic care we hypothesize can increase performance.
Learning Objectives: Understand the specialty of Osteopathic Primary Care Sports Medicine, Learn how to apply this field of medicine towards athletic performance
These webinars are for NYCOMEC Trainees, Faculty, Medical Staff, and NYITCOM & TouroCOM Students
Save the date for the next OR webinar!
Wednesday, May 10th
Keith Felstead, DO
"Osteopathic Considerations for the Patient with TMJ"