Lost and Guided

Physicians for Human Rights will be organizing a 'field trip' to Lost and Guided, a play about people in Syria living through the current civil war and subsequent refugee crisis, produced by The Angel Project and Touro's very own Dr. Conrad Fischer.
We will be going to the show this Thursday, August 17th at 7 pm. We will leave from school at the 124th street entrance at 6 pm.
Here's the link to buy tickets and an official description: https://www.lostandguided.com/dates
We are organizing this outing for those who want to see the show with company; you are obviously free to attend any other night! Shows are Thursday through Sunday nights at 7 pm for the month of August.
Here's a bit more about the show: "The lives of four young Syrians are changed forever after anti-government protests transpire in the city of Daraa. Throughout the next six years, each of them is forced to undergo a unique and heroic journey, while the turmoil in their country erupts into a full-fledged civil war. From the Middle East to the streets of New Orleans, Lost and Guided is a universal story of love, friendship, and the struggle for happiness. Based on transcripts from writer-director Irene Kapustina's interviews with Syrian refugees living in the US. Starring Doga Celik, Susan Cohen DeStefano, Mischa Ipp, Alex Kattan, Mouna R'Miki, Shayan Sobhian, and Jarrod Zayas."
The international PHR organization is a consistent advocate for the importance on medical neutrality in war zones and against mass atrocities, such as those that have occurred in the Syrian Civil War. For those who are curious, more information can be found at www.physiciansforhumanrights.org.