CPR and Narcan Training

November 14, 2017 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET
11/14/17 12:00 PM 11/14/17 1:00 PM CPR and Narcan Training OMM Lab CPR and Narcan Training
TouroCOM - Harlem

TouroCOM Classes 2020 and 2021, AMA and Cardiology Section-IMSO are excited to announce a CPR and Narcan training. If you found someone collapsed on the street, would you know what to do? Dr. Colbourne will be there to talk about the basics of layperson CPR, and Narcan use. As we all know our country is in the midst of an opioid epidemic. Narcan (Nalaxone) is an antidote to opiate overdose, and has the potential to save countless lives.

We will be teaching the basic physiology behind it, how to use it, and the legal aspects of Narcan use for the general public. States nationwide are now adopting laws to allow for laypeople to carry this drug. As future doctors, we will all likely treat individuals sooner or later at risk of opiate overdose. Come to learn some basic skills that could potentially save a life!