Advocacy for DACA the Residential Physician Shortage Reduction Act, GradPlus Loans and Public Servic
February 1, 2018 12:00pm ET
02/1/18 12:00 PM
Advocacy for DACA the Residential Physician Shortage Reduction Act, GradPlus Loans and Public Servic
4th Floor, P1 Lecture Hall
Advocacy for DACA the Residential Physician Shortage Reduction Act, GradPlus Loans and Public Servic
4th Floor, P1 Lecture Hall
230 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027
230 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027

TouroCOM and TCOP show support for our fellow DACA students
Please join us for a discussion and workshop on how important programs like DACA has affected our fellow students. Other programs that are threatened are the Residential Physician Shortage Reduction Act, GradPlus Loans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PLSF), will also be discussed.