Anthony Song

Midlothian, Virginia

July 31, 2019
Anthony Song

After graduating from the College of William and Mary, Anthony Song worked as a marketing manager for a tech start-up in Silicon Valley.

Song also worked as a personal trainer and after seeing several physicians and nurses working out at the gym, he became curious about the medical profession and asked to shadow them. Song decided to change careers and he pursued a post-bac at San Francisco University. A visit to TouroCOM Middletown sold him on the institution. “I loved the energy,” he recalled. “There’s confidence, but no ego. Comradery but no competition. Everyone helped each other.” He also found out that his personal goal of specializing in geriatrics matched with TouroCOM’s mission. “The elderly are a totally underserved population,” said Song. “I want to help them.”

Time in the Gym: As a popular physical trainer, Song worked with many high-profile individuals, including Tim Cook, current CEO of Apple. What was he like? “Totally humble.”